Saturday, December 06, 2008

Cool train in Plaza Indonesia

Akhirnya sekarang Plaza Indonesia ada sesuatu yang seru untuk anak anak.
Selama bulan December ini akan ada photo with Santa dengan satu surprise seru, bisa naik kereta api 'trackless' around the 3rd floor.
Kereta apinya sendiri keren banget, dengan fitur fitur kereta api kuno beneran, dan gerbong gerbongnya imutt banget.
Kereta api ini sendiri katanya adalah salah satu bagian dari banyak permainan anak anak yang akan dibangun di Plaza Indonesia extension next year.
Kita tunggu aja ya.


CLINIC FOR CHILDREN - we smile with you said...

Secondhand smoke, also know as environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), is a mixture of the smoke given off by the burning end of a cigarette, pipe or cigar and the smoke exhaled from the lungs of smokers. It is involuntarily inhaled by nonsmokers, lingers in the air hours after cigarettes have been extinguished and can cause or exacerbate a wide range of adverse health effects in children, including SIDS (Sudden Death Infant Syndrome), cancer, respiratory infections, ear infection and asthma.
Children’s exposure to secondhand smoke in Indonesia may be 43 Million.Around one-third of smokers - million people continue to smoke near children.Smoking by parents is the principal determinant of children’s exposure to secondhand smoke.
Please navigate to , and join this group : SAVE CHILD FROM SMOKE (Facebook Group) : working together make a smoke-free homes and smoke-free zones for all children. Dr Widodo Judarwanto, Jakarta Indonesia

Anonymous said...

Ini masih ada ga ya sampe sekarang? atau hanya untuk event aja? Soalnya anak saya seneng banget sama kereta api :D

Korban Kecelakaan Kereta said...

Awesome information..
Keep writing and giving us an amazing information like this..

BW gan kunjungi

Hukum Mengucapkan Selamat Natal said...

Awesome information..
Keep writing and giving us an amazing information like this..

BW gan kunjungi