1. The first one is at Kemang Dalam 3.
Both me and my daughters ( and lots of mums, local or expatriate ) love this place...It's a clean and safe playground with rubberlike floor with couples of outdoor play structure to swing on , climb and tackle...Kids are welcome to bring their own bike too, there's a cycling track.
They have small canteen selling snacks and drinks, but we can also bring our own food to eat in their small hut-like eating area. There's tennis course next to the playground offer tennis lesson for adult or children.
They open everyday from 7 to 6 ...... Entrance fee is Rp.50.000.- per day, means your kids can come in the morning, go home have a nap and back to the playground again in the afternoon without have to pay the entrance fee twice...
The staffs are really nice...And all the facilities are well maintained and in good condition. It's truly a nice place for our kids to do some sports and socializing, and for mums and dads too.....
2. The newly opened is at Kemang Timur 72 .... ( Photo attached )

It's a huge playground with more outdoor play structures and equipments for kids 18 months to 15 years old, there are plenty for our active children to do here, sliding from different slides, hanging and pushed down the lane, climbing here and there, swinging, and a giant trampoline to jump together with friends, and the ' reward' from all the sweating is the waterplay, yes, water fountain area to cool the kids down ( I think it's the main attraction for the kids, they dance, scream, and running around under the fountain trees that imitates rain )
And the floor is slip-free too, very very nice.
The other nice thing about this new playground is they have an indoor area with soft play equipments for toddlers and a nice area to hideaway when it rains or if its too hot outside.... They have canteen too, serving drinks, fresh milk and some foods....But I don't think that we are allowed to bring our own Pizza or Starbucks here like the previous Playground.
They open everyday 10 a.m. to 6.00. p.m. Entrance fee is Rp.50.000.- for weekdays and Rp.75.000.- for weekends...They can also arrange and organize birthday in this place, just call Wanty 0811955396 for info.
A useful tip ... Call before you head to this playground to check if they are closed for birthday celebration....
This article is another contribution by JO, thanks!
The playground at Kemang are both very nice right? If you are interested in the rubber safety flooring, shade canopy and waterplay...please visit www.wahanatirta.net. They are the only contractor in Jakarta who can make them.
Teman2 saya sudah banyak yang buat Bday Party disana dan mereka end up kecewa tentang makanan yang lambat dan rasanya yang kurang enak, tempat yang banyak lalat, setting-an tempat yang tidak teratur. Dan mereka juga sering double book atau malahn triple book acara kita..alias ada acara bday yang sama jam-nya dengan kita,jadi sangat tidak teratur dan kita merasa sangat rugi terlebih harga disini tidaklah murah.
PR/Marketingnya yg bernama Mia atau Gerina juga nggak tau apa2...selalu jawab tidak tau atau ditanyakan ke atasan dulu...TIDAK BERGUNA1
yg pertama disebut, yg di kemang dalam 3...no telpnya brp? alamat lengkapnya ? mhn sharing infonya yah ? thx
keduanya ok, pernah juga merayakan ultah anak di dua duanya. masing masing punya kekurangan dan kelebihan. namun saya lebih sering ke kemang timur 72 karena selain parkir gampang, suami suami lebih punya kegiatan " free wifi",
paling tidak anak dapat menikmati liburan outdoor aman nyaman.
minggu lalu baru dapat undangan anak teman, kemang timur 72 ok. apalagi ada mainan airnya anak anak suah disuruh berhentinya. saran bikin lagi dong di tempat tempat lain. kyk sentul daerah saya. thanks
no telepon playground kemang dalam 3b no 6 adalah 021-7196962, bayar tiket masuk hanya utk anak, free utk parent, nanny, grandma , grandpa, opening everyday 8am until 6pm
hi mom,
Im a freelance photographer specialize in kids photography would like to offer you from bday photos and kids portraiture. Please visit my blog at www.dianadesignphotography.blogspot.com
about the playground at kemang dalam 3b with gerina the marketing, she is not quite contactable yah? kindly give me advice on how to reach her? :)
thank u
I like both of these parks. Kemang Dalam is probably slightly better, but we go to both regularly.
Saya sudah beberapa kali coba datang ke prefere 72,anak saya sih senang-senang aja. selain itu tujuan saya untuk survey pesta untuk anak saya. Ternyata pelayanannya sangat tidak memuaskan! terutama marketingnya. seolah2 kita yg butuh tempat itu. terus, makanannya, wah maaf aja ya saya gak mau malu dihadapan tamu-tamu nantinya.
We were recently at the Playground and were shocked at the behaviour of some of the kids there. They were pushing and screaming and would not obey any of the safety rules, despite warnings from the staff.
hi baby ape, my name is iie at bintaro.. according to you which one is better between playground in kemang dalam or prefere 72? i really need some advice before taking my kids to that place, thank you
for those of you who lives in Bintaro, please go to sektor 2, there were a nice spot for kids to play and explore called "main main". I have tried myself and enjoying it for several times up to now.
nice post...
Tadika Puri
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