Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dental clinic

Ini ada kiriman posting dari seorang teman, tentang kids dental care blog di Jakarta. Pretty interesting, asal siap siap melihat gambar close up gigi anak anak yang hitam dan bolong bolong ngga keruan. :)
Blog ini cukup menarik juga karena menerangkan secara rinci tentang pemasangan begel untuk anak, penemuan baru untuk menambal gigi dengan warna (pink, biru dll ). Pretty educative.

Check out Kids Dental Care


Jo Widira said...

Very interesting yach, tapi jauuuhhhhnyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dari alamat kami......

kids dental care said...

The issue of dental care for children is something that most parents fail to get it right. There are many things that can go wrong when a child's teeth do not develop properly. Often times this leads to self-esteem problems in future. Therefore, as a parent, it is a good idea to try to make sure that you take care of your child's dental needs from an early age.

kids dental care