These dresses are custom made ( with measuring session and fitting session just as the grown ups do ) by Indonesian famous couturier, Didi Budiardjo , just as the bride and the families.... and they are so thrilled cause they feel like a real princess
Thinking back.... Our kids, the love of our life, they have the right to wear nice couture gown as we do too.......
Special article by Peaches Sky Mom
PS mom, masalahnya sih maminya sendiri belum punya koleksi couture sendiri nih...hihihi
Mami mami suka bilang kalau baju anak2 diatas Rp.1 jt buat apaaaa ? anaknya cepat gede, pake 3 kali juga dah gak muat... Coba kalo mami mami bikin baju yang misalnya 10 jutaan, memang sich mami mami gak akan cepet gede...tapi apakah baju mami itu akan dipake lebih dari 3 kali ?
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