Friday, June 29, 2007

Maisy mouse

Ini saingannya Mickey Mouse, bedanya tikus ini adalah tikus perempuan yang tomboy, lucu dan baik hati.
Di illustrasikan dengan penuh warna oleh Lucy Cousins, Maisy Mouse telah berkembang menjadi sebuah TV show, Children books, dan banyak merchandise pendukung lainnya.
Warnanya yang heboh serta gambar yang tegas dan simpel menjadi kekuatan utamanya menarik perhatian anak anak.
kalau tidak salah tv show nya ada di Nickelodeon, dan buku bukunya sudah banyak terdapat di Aksara dan Kinokuniya
Check out these websites:
Official site, dan Maisy fan club

Monday, June 25, 2007

Safety first gate

Salah satu tools yang sangat berguna sekali di rumah saya adalah safety gate dari Safety First ini. Mudah untuk digunakan sebagai pagar sementara di pintu kamar maupun di atas tangga.
Safety First sendiri dapat ditemukan di berbagai mall di Jakarta, seperti di Century Health care, Ace Hardware dan Cotonnier store.

Modern kids

I have told you about my latest obession on modern children furniture.
Here are some great findings from Design Milk

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Rose and radish

You got to see this website, it is full of many wonderful things, for kids and moms.
Pictured above is a pair of vintage inspired bookend and a low stool with a cute pattern on top.
Check out Rose and Radish

Pepsi cucumber

Your kids is hooked on cokes and pepsi...?
perhaps this pepsi will give them a different view of the soda drink.
Pepsi has recently launched cucumber flavored pepsi in Japan..a land of all the wierd things.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007


What a magical space!

Kemang Playground

Research says that playing in the park or any pollution free outdoor playground improve circulation and keeps our child internal defence system in top form... and us, mums also don't want our children to spend their time in front of tv or hangin around in the malls eating loads of ice cream... and now in Kemang there are these outdoor playgrounds to answer our concern...

1. The first one is at Kemang Dalam 3.
Both me and my daughters ( and lots of mums, local or expatriate ) love this place...It's a clean and safe playground with rubberlike floor with couples of outdoor play structure to swing on , climb and tackle...Kids are welcome to bring their own bike too, there's a cycling track.
They have small canteen selling snacks and drinks, but we can also bring our own food to eat in their small hut-like eating area. There's tennis course next to the playground offer tennis lesson for adult or children.
They open everyday from 7 to 6 ...... Entrance fee is Rp.50.000.- per day, means your kids can come in the morning, go home have a nap and back to the playground again in the afternoon without have to pay the entrance fee twice...
The staffs are really nice...And all the facilities are well maintained and in good condition. It's truly a nice place for our kids to do some sports and socializing, and for mums and dads too.....

2. The newly opened is at Kemang Timur 72 .... ( Photo attached )

It's a huge playground with more outdoor play structures and equipments for kids 18 months to 15 years old, there are plenty for our active children to do here, sliding from different slides, hanging and pushed down the lane, climbing here and there, swinging, and a giant trampoline to jump together with friends, and the ' reward' from all the sweating is the waterplay, yes, water fountain area to cool the kids down ( I think it's the main attraction for the kids, they dance, scream, and running around under the fountain trees that imitates rain )
And the floor is slip-free too, very very nice.
The other nice thing about this new playground is they have an indoor area with soft play equipments for toddlers and a nice area to hideaway when it rains or if its too hot outside.... They have canteen too, serving drinks, fresh milk and some foods....But I don't think that we are allowed to bring our own Pizza or Starbucks here like the previous Playground.
They open everyday 10 a.m. to 6.00. p.m. Entrance fee is Rp.50.000.- for weekdays and Rp.75.000.- for weekends...They can also arrange and organize birthday in this place, just call Wanty 0811955396 for info.
A useful tip ... Call before you head to this playground to check if they are closed for birthday celebration....
This article is another contribution by JO, thanks!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Chateau de Sable

Just found the website...
Setelah beberapa lama mencari akhirnya saya menemukan juga website toko ini.
Chateau De Sable adalah sebuah brand Perancis yang membuat koleksi koleksi baju anak bernuansa classic and stylish. Dan sejak belakangan ini sedang menjadi trend di antara ibu ibu Jakarta.
VIsit their shop in Pondok Indah Mall 2, Ph: 7592 0580

Rocking Cube

Rocking cube by Jessica Nebel. Awesome!

Gap indonesia

Gap is finally joining the long lines of international apparel brands in Jakarta, Indonesia. They will be opening their first Gap Adult, Kids and Baby combo store in Pondok Indah mall.

Frankly I don't know how the mothers will react to the real retail prices in this store, while they have been so used to the factory outlet prices....:)

Gap, Pondok Indah Mall 2, Ground floor.
Ph: 7592 0532 / 33

Friday, June 08, 2007

Adiri Milk Bottle

Seriously..... won't this be a threat to the breast feeding culture..?
Learn more about Adiri here. Coming up in US stores in mid July 2007.

Monday, June 04, 2007

Doll House craze part 2

Nowadays kids are so lucky. Wish I had that kind of toys when I was a kid.
Tree house by Sensory Edge, via Apartment Therapy

Mini Doll House craze

Bayangkan jika dollhouse anak anda berisi dengan miniatur modern furniture seperti yang diatas ini. Design designnya diambil dari brand brand yang legendaris pula.
Learn more here, via apartment theraphy

Bahaya eskalator!!!

Sungguh sedih mendengar berita anak (6th) yang meninggal karena terjatuh dari eskalator di Surabaya. Memang sesungguhnya setiap tahun ada saja korban, terutama anak kecil, akibat dari penggunaan eskalator (lihat posting saya mengenai sandal Crocs).
Mungkin sudah waktunya pihak mall atau pemilik bangunan memberikan perhatian khusus mengenai hal in.
Saya sendiri kaget juga ketika searching tentang hal ini dan mendapati bahwa banyak juga kasus yang sama telah terjadi di Indonesia.
check these out: Surabaya 2007 (meninggal), Bekasi 2006 (meninggal), Palembang 2003 (jari kaki tergilas), Bandung 2005 (meninggal), Sidoarjo 2007 ( cedera otak dan pendarahan telinga).